TAGUS region
ROUTES for the Region
 Route XVII .- Route of the Wool Municipal Area: Malpartida de Cáceres, Arroyo de la Luz, Brozas, Villa del Rey, Alcántara, Piedras Albas 

The beginning of this big route in the region is already a unique place. The landscapes of the Barruecos are one of the Natural Monuments of Estrémadure labelled where we will find good examples of flora and fauna; and what´s more, the place has welcomed an interesting quota of population of distant epochs from where the material remainders have arrived (lived places, Roman cities, dólmenes and an industry of stones) currently being studied. But the more important place of the Barruecos, besides its impressive granite candlepins, is the washer of wools of the XVIIIe century. This restored structure has accommodates an eccentric tandem: the Centre of Interpretation of the drovers´ roads and the collections of contemporary art of artists like Vostell. We will always follow the drovers´ roads, with different names according to the municipal term that they cross. We will go above the Roman way that linked Cordoba with Oporto, the roadway of the Roman Bridge of Alcantara, as ignored nowadays as important was at its epoch; as an example there exist the impressive Bridge of Alcantara, or the most modest one of Segura (Alcantara), among other traces of the epoch.
We will cross the town of Arroyo de la Luz with an interesting heritage. After that, we will go towards Brozas, but firstly we will enjoy the different landscapes like the pastures or the fields of Araya. After crossing Brozas, and following the road that deserves a visit, we will enter into Villa del Rey fields, to reach Alcantara. We will abandon the town of the old Order of Alcantara after crossing the Roman Bridge. This a mute witness of the time running, close to the modern work of the Pool of Alcantara. If we follow the Real Valley of Gata, the Roman way, and the current road, we will reach Piedras Albas, which is the small border town that preserves the customs building. After that, we will go towards Erjas, crossing the international Roman Bridge of Segura, which is a small imitation -in miniature- of the Bridge of Alcantara, where we will find the limits between Spain and Portugal. In this point the Road of the Wool hispano-extremeña finishes and starts the Route da Lã portuguesa. This route will take us to the manufacture centre of wools in Covilhá.

Register Card
of the route
of photos
of the route
of the Route

General Patrimony Fauna Flora Landscape

Comarca Tagus
Technical Card Nature
& Culture
Points of Interest
Patrimony Fauna Flora
Abejaruco   (Merops apiaster)
Águila Calzada   (Hieraetus pennatus)
Águila Culebrera   (Circaetus gallicus)
Águila Imperial Ibérica   (Aquila Adalberto)
Águila Perdicera   (Hieraetus fasciatus)
Águila Pescadora   (Pandion haliaetus)
Águila Real   (Aquila chrysaetos)
Aguilucho Cenizo   (Circus pygargus)
Alcaraván   (Burhinus oedicnemus)
Alcaudón Común   (Lanius senator)
Alcaudón Real   (Lanius meridionalis)
Alimoche   (Neophron percnopterus)
Alondra Común   (Alauda arvensis)
Avutarda   (Otis tarda)
Búho Chico   (Asio otus)
Búho Real   (Bubo bubo)
Buitre Leonado   (Gyps fulvus)
Buitre Negro   (Aegypius monachus)
Calandria   (Melanocorypha calandra)
Canastera Común   (Glareola pratincola)
Carbonero Común   (Parus majior)
Carraca   (Coracias garrulus)
Cernícalo Primilla   (Falco naumanni)
Cernícalo Vulgar   (Falco tinnunculus)
Cigüeña Blanca   (Ciconia ciconia)
Cigüeña Negra   (Ciconia nigra)
Cigüeñuela   (Himantopus himantopus)
Cogujada Común   (Galerita cristata)
Críalo   (Clamator glandarius)
Cuervo   (Corvus corax)
Chotacabras Pardo   (Caprimulgus ruficollis)
Focha Común   (Fulica atra)
Ganga Ibérica   (Pterocles alchata)
Ganga Ortega   (Pterocles orientalis)
Gavilán   (Accipiter nisus)
Herrerillo Común   (Parus caeruleus)
Lechuza Común   (Tyto alba)
Milano Negro   (Milvus migrans)
Milano Real   (Milvus milvus)
Mirlo Común   (Turdus merula)
Mochuelo   (Athene noctua)
Paloma Torcaz   (Columba palumbus)
Perdiz Roja   (Alectoris rufa)
Picogordo   (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
Rabilargo   (Cyanopica cyana)
Ratonero   (Buteo buteo)
Sisón   (Tetrax tetrax)
Somormujo Lavanco   (Podiceps cristatus)
Tórtola Común   (Streptopelia turtur)
Tórtola Turca   (Streptopelia decaocto)
Urraca   (Pica pica)
Zampullín Chico   (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Ciervo   (Cervus elaphus)
Conejo   (Oryctolagus cunniculus)
Garduña   (Martes foina)
Jabalí   (Sus scrofa)
Jineta   (Genetta genetta)
Liebre   (Lepus capensis)
Meloncillo   (Herpestes ichneumon)
Tejón   (Meles meles)
Zorro   (Vulpes vulpes)
Galápago Leproso   (Mauremys caspica)
Culebra Bastarda   (Malpolon monspessulanum)
Culebra de Escalera   (Elaphe scalaris)
Culebra de Herradura   (Coluber hippocrepis)
Lagarto Ocelado   (Lacerta lepida)
Lagartija Ibérica   (Podarcis hispánica)
Lagartija Colilarga   (Psammodromus algirus)
Ranita Meridional   (Hyla meridionalis)
Sapo de Espuelas   (Pelobates cultripes)
Sapo Común   (Bufo bufo)
Sapo Corredor   (Bufo calamita)
Gallipato   (Pleurodeles waltl)
   | Plaza Mayor,7 | 10550 - Aliseda (Cáceres) | Web:
   | Princesa, 80 6°I | 28008 - Madrid | Telféfono: 91 360 46 13 - 91 360 46 12